
时间:2019-12-06 17:43:36 浏览:1
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导读:日前,基于美国GPO模式,红星美凯龙和锦江国际借助云技术的发展,共同发起并成立了云供GPO(Group Purchasing Organization,泛工程领域集团采购联盟),旨在通过释放内部采购需求,并联合各类采购方,共同邀约高品质的供应方,形成专业、高效、共赢的采供联盟,同时也通过集中释放各采购方未来一定周期内的需求,将不确定采购变为确定采购,对供应链形成特别激励,为采供双方减少采购环节,提供零差价、高品质的服务模式。

 丽笙RHG全球战略寻源副总裁Maria Madrid女士(左)在云供GPO成立发布现场

日前,基于美国GPO模式,红星美凯龙和锦江国际借助云技术的发展,共同发起并成立了云供GPO(Group Purchasing Organization,泛工程领域集团采购联盟),旨在通过释放内部采购需求,并联合各类采购方,共同邀约高品质的供应方,形成专业、高效、共赢的采供联盟,同时也通过集中释放各采购方未来一定周期内的需求,将不确定采购变为确定采购,对供应链形成特别激励,为采供双方减少采购环节,提供零差价、高品质的服务模式。

云供GPO的成立,是我国住建产业内,首次以GPO模式整合产业上下游资源,是引发业界广泛关注的一次创举。而从全球视野的高度来看,云供GPO如何将国外成熟的GPO模式与中国住建产业特色相结合,整合资源,以创新促发展?围绕这一核心问题,我们专访了国际GPO模式研究专家,欧洲著名酒店业GPO"Coperama"的联合创始人,丽笙RHG全球战略寻源副总裁Maria Madrid。


M :Talking about the GPOs organization we can clearly differentiate between the situation in America (USA specifically) and Europe.

The US is a very mature market, big players, well established with consolidated distribution partners who are able to cover the whole country. When we talk about the European GPO market, we can clearly see a very fragmented market; local GPOs are established in many countries in Europe in a very fast-growing environment in which suppliers scope are mainly local. New GPOs arise more and more and there is a trend to consolidate the business all around Europe, Middle East and Africa



2 GPO作为联合采购组织在美国经过百年历史发展,已形成一套成熟的体系和市场规模,我们非常感兴趣GPO模式的核心市场竞争优势是什么?

M: Yungong has the technology, the spend and the expertise of both the Jin Jiang Group and Red Star Macalline supporting our activities. But nothing of this will be successful without the local knowledge that will allow us to set different strategies in different markets.

We must know our competitors in the countries that we operate in order to set the suitable strategy to get into that specific country.

The professionalism of our people, expertise and technology will be our drivers combined with our ability to leverage our global spend.





M: Absolutely! The future of a competitive supply chain is a GPO model and that is clearly the market trend. However, the strength and breadth to cover the majority of Europe by any single GPO is still lacking today


丽笙RHG全球战略寻源副总裁Maria Madrid女士(左)在云供GPO成立发布现场


M:The strategic alliance of Jin Jiang and Red Star Macalline is innovative in this sector and will be a key competitive advantage.

Technology is also a key point of differentiation and innovation that Yungong brings to the market with its fully integrated platform that will be able to leverage the platform’s global spend not just in China but also across the globe.



5有这样两大集团的采购规模体量护航,您是否看好未来云供GPO 在中国的发展?

M: I am completely convinced of the success of this project not only in China but in the rest of the world, as we do have the volumes, the technology and the local expertise of our teams which is key.

We have the expertise and the systems that will allow us to transform the potential into facts.




M:My aim is to contribute to the establishment of a worldwide Procurement Platform leader in the hospitality market in all the countries where we are with the best technology available in the market and the highest level of professionalism assuring to our customers not only the best systems and best prices but also the best service.



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